Brain clues to attention disorder

orkeltatte at hotmail.com orkeltatte at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 25 11:39:14 EST 2003

"k p  Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message news:<wRyGb.243$d4.233 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net>...
> I could not disagree more strongly.
> First, I did not say or imply that Children 'should be
> abandoned' by doing nothing.
> I said exactly the opposite. Care for the Children by
> teaching them, to the degree possible how nervous systems
> process information, and why they process information as
> they do [I've had success with 8th graders. With Younger
> Children the teaching would have to occur through examples
> on the parts of Adults who, themselves, have learned how
> nervous systems process information.]
> This is not 'doing nothing', and doing it this way has
> enormous advantages over resort to drugs - be-cause the
> Child who learns how and why nervous systems process
> information as they do simultaneously acquires a very useful
> set of cognitive 'tools' that are universally-applicable within
> interactive dynamics, not the least of which is with respect
> to comprehension of the 'blind'-automation that is inherent
> in aggression.
> More below.
> Here, from the perspective from which I am addressing the dynamics
> that have been referred to as 'ADHD', your use of "untreated" connotes
> "allowed to languish without understanding".

> The effects of teaching Children how nervous systems process
> information, and why they process information as they do, are
> known, and strongly-positive with respect to a Child's welfare.
> orkeltatte
> It's 'funny', I can verify that such is True with respect to the
> position I've discussed, and there's no guessing inherent.
> k. p. collins

It would be nice with some references to scientific studies (if any).
Without it , it seems that this argumentation is based on aneqdotal
and subjectively biased information only - hence worth no more than a
bag of air.


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