Action Potentials and "The Information" [Was Re: question related to Hodgkin-Huxley model]

k p Collins kpaulc at [----------]earthlink.net
Thu Dec 25 04:53:15 EST 2003

"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
news:70yGb.239$d4.173 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net...
> [...]

> Or, one can just wait, and read the
> scanner's LCD after all the barcodes
> have been scanned.
> [...]

Meant to add:

Which is an =exact= analogue of what
happens with respect to the use of

Just like reading the line-scanner's [or any]
LCD after all the 'processing'.

"Language" is 'just' an I/O transformation-

It is 'just' another transformation of the
combined external and internal 3-D
energydynamics, shifting between rel-
ative external [sensory] dominance and
relative internal [motor] dominance with
respect to "listening" and "speaking",
respectively.[See the discussions of
"supersystem configuration", "dynamic
subordinate coupling", "sensory and
motor templates" and their
"Match/mismatch" correlations to the
items listed previously here, and
"passive<->active phase shifting",
all in AoK, Ap5, 6, 7 & 8.]

ken [k. p. collins]

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