"Peter F." <effectivespamblock at ozemail.com.au> wrote in message news:<exgGb.310$SE5.9036 at nnrp1.ozemail.com.au>...
> I understand that most of you clinicians *are* doing the best you can and
> know how -- given all *the actually* available options.
>> Notwithstanding, would it in your opinion (you "orkeltatte" eller Torkel
> Atte's opinion :-) be too much to ask that health-workers (but especially
> importantly you at the top of "the health-working professional heap", so to
> speak) *at least try* to understand the practically implementable principles
> that flow from work such as very strongly exemplified by what you find
> at/can dig out from: www.primaltherapy.com.?
clinical work are not a this or that, black or white operation- it is
a multi factorial multiimpact approach. And by the way primaltherapy
has been a scam from the beginning to end. Janov now sits comfortably
in is multimilliondollar italian castle and are probably still
laughing all the way to the banc.
Look in to agression replcement therapy and cognitive behavioural
therapy instead.
But it is possible that I don´t haeve a clue of what your talking
> Or have you already been rendered too biased against even trying to
> perceive the preventative practical possiblilties that in principle are
> pointed-out by Primal Theory?
>> Yours ever hopeful,
>> Peter F
>> <orkeltatte at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:84da9680.0312240036.54fbf491 at posting.google.com...> > Okey!
> >
> > Trying to leave the microcosmos just for a little while and put a
> > clinical view on this topic.
> > I have´nt read all threads , so if I am repeating any earlier
> > discussion or point of view, please bear vith me.
> >
> > As a clinician , prescribing any treatment, it always come to waying
> > the risks against the benefits in a long term as well as short term
> > timeperspective. There are a substantial body of evidence on treating
> > children diagnosed as ADDH with amphetamine and metamphetamine , where
> > we find on long term follow-up , that the child has a great benefit
> > with treatment regarding academic achievements, family function,
> > sociability,etcetera,etcetera. as opposed to the untreated wich has a
> > signifiquant risk of future criminal behavior and drugaddiction. In a
> > Swedish material it has been found that 50% of the heroineaddicts
> > (intravenous) was diagnosed with ADDH in adulthood. 40% of the inmates
> > in prisons had a neuropsychiatric condition. and so on.
> >
> > The problem lies in the fact that all mechanisms on cell level and
> > transmittorinteractions are not fully understood (wich this board is
> > an excellent example of) and the long-term consequences on the
> > immature and developing brain still are to a great extent unknown.
> > Anyway it is my strong opinion that the benefits from treatment
> > strongly outmatches the today known risks , and that it is morally and
> > ethically impossible to refuse treatment with these drugs.
> >
> > orkeltatte