Brain clues to attention disorder

Dave Bird dave at nospam.xemu.demon.co.uk
Wed Dec 24 15:58:43 EST 2003

In article<84da9680.0312240036.54fbf491 at posting.google.com>,
orkeltatte at hotmail.com <orkeltatte at hotmail.com> writes:
>Trying to leave the microcosmos just for a little while and put a 
>clinical view on this topic. I have´nt read all threads , so if I am 
>repeating any earlier discussion or point of view, please bear vith me.
>As a clinician , prescribing any treatment, it always come to waying the 
>risks against the benefits in a long term as well as short term 
>timeperspective. There are a substantial body of evidence on treating 
>children diagnosed as ADDH with amphetamine and metamphetamine , where 
>we find on long term follow-up , that the child has a great benefit with 
>treatment regarding academic achievements, family function, 
>sociability,etcetera,etcetera. as opposed to the untreated wich has a 
>signifiquant risk of future criminal behavior and drugaddiction. In a 
>Swedish material it has been found that 50% of the heroineaddicts 
>(intravenous) was diagnosed with ADDH in adulthood. 40% of the inmates 
>in prisons had a neuropsychiatric condition. and so on.

 Many people would see a link between a specifically dopamine disorder
 and the role of dopamine in addiction.
>The problem lies in the fact that all mechanisms on cell level and 
>transmittorinteractions are not fully understood (wich this board is an 
>excellent example of) and the long-term consequences on the immature and 
>developing brain still are to a great extent unknown. Anyway it is my 
>strong opinion that the benefits from treatment strongly outmatches the 
>today known risks , and that it is morally and ethically  impossible to 
>refuse treatment with these drugs.


 8====3  (O 0)    GROETEN --- PRINTZ XEMU EXTRAWL   no real OT has
          |n|    (COMMANDER,  FIFTH INVADER FORCE)   ever existed 
 A society without a religion is like a maniac without a chainsaw.

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