Deities cannot exist because of their consciousness

k p Collins kpaulc at [----------]earthlink.net
Tue Dec 23 20:04:46 EST 2003

"Wolf Kirchmeir" <wwolfkir at sympatico.can> wrote in message
news:jbysxveflzcngvpbpna.hqclry1.pminews at news1.sympatico.ca...
> [...]

> Since we are natural creatures, we can
> experience the supernatural only if it
> intersects the natural - and that intersection
> will be natural. This claim  implies that the
> supernatural contains the natural, which
> IIRC was one of Augustine's points -- it
> is after all an implication of the Christian
> claim that Jesus is/was God incarnate, ie,
> the intersection of the supernatural and
> the natural. BTW, the arguments about the
> "true nature" of Jesus are really arguments
> about the whether or not the natural and
> the supernatural can have any real
> (= knowable by a natural creature) relationship.
> [...]

In my experience, I've been amazed at how much
Jesus verifiably knew about how Human nervous
systems process information.

My jaw just hangs down when I contemplate it.

For me, it's sufficient Miraculous stuff that I can
see with my own eyes.

I Believe.

ken [k. p. collins]

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