The Neural 4-Space [was Re: Consciousness]

Alex Green dralexgreen at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Dec 23 12:44:20 EST 2003

"k p  Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message news:<rLwFb.8916$wL6.1698 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net>...
> "Eray Ozkural exa" <erayo at bilkent.edu.tr> wrote in message
> news:fa69ae35.0312190154.5bfb33d4 at posting.google.com...
> > "kenneth p  Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
> news:<ROhEb.3508$wL6.1160 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net>...
> > > [...]
> > Now, could you please tell me what kind of a field is this 4-D
> > energydynamics field? I would like to hear, if possible, a precise
> > mathematical description.
> > [...]
> Or were you talking about 4-D energydynamics
> as I've discussed them with respect to nervous
> system function?

> Briefly, the neural Topology is 4-D.
> The 4th 'dimension' is a pseudo dimension
> that's just used to cross-correlate the 3-D
> Neuroanatomy.
> This is necessary because the fiber pathways
> interconnect loci that are at 3-D-'vectored'
> distances from each other. Ever locus within
> the nervous system has varying numbers of
> such 3-D 'correlations'.

I do not understand your terminology here. What is a
"pseudo-dimension"? Dimensions are just the basis of a set of linear
http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~lka/maths.htm and page down a few
A dimension in space-time is the basis of the set of linear equations
that describe movement.

I do not understand "3-D-'vectored'" or "3-D-'correlations'", these
are not standard terms in maths or physics.

> The pseudo 4th-'dimension' is used to just
> keep tract of these 3-D projection correl-
> ations. 

What is "keeping track of correlations". A correlation is suggested
when something changes at the same time as something else. One of
these changes need not cause the other change. What 2 things change
and what aspect of these changes is recorded in a "4th-dimension"?

> [As is discussed in AoK, Ap2, except,
> when that discussion was written, I'd not
> yet eliminated what's referred to as "time" as
> a dimension. Where I now use a 3-space to
> address the non-interconnected nervous system
> loci, back then, I used a 4-Space, invoking
> "time" as an ordering principle with respect
> to successive activations at each 'point' within
> the 3 spatial dimensions, and a "5th [pseudo]
> 'dimension'" that whas used, as above, to
> cross-correlate 3-D projections. It was not
> long after writing AoK that I realized that the
> "time" dimension is completely redundant be-
> cause the same information is encoded in
> relative activation at any 'point' in the neural
> 3-space - because the 'next' relative activa-
> tion is determined by the 'present' activation.
> So using a 'time' dimension is entirely un-
> necessary. 

This is puzzling, you have 'next' and 'present' but no time. Do these
things coexist at an instant? If all possibilities are encoded and
there is no time how does change or succession appear?

> [I've since verified that the same
> is True with respect to physical reality in
> general, which is why I refer to "space-time"
> as "so-called". 

The space-time of physical reality is just a vector space that
describes motion. It is the correct terminology ("so-called" suggests
that it does not exist) there is plentiful evidence for space-time
from the existence of magnetism to the atomic bomb.

See http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~lka/conz2b.htm for a quick
introduction to space-time.

> All there is within physical
> reality is energy 'density' in 3-space. Be-
> cause of the energy-flow that is WDB2T, the
> energy density at any 'point' in 3-space
> determines the 'next' energy density at that
> 'point' in 3-space, and, because physical
> reality is continuous, this occurs throughout
> physical reality, which is =just= 3-dimensional.
> No such thing as 'time' exists within physical
> reality. Everything that has, formerly, been
> referred to as being "time dependent", is
> not that, but energy-density-with-respect-to-
> the-WDB2T-energy-flow-dependent, and the
> WDB2T energy-flow just goes 'down-hill'
> from greatest energy density to least energy-
> density, and all physical dynamics are deter-
> mined by this one continuous universal energy-
> flow dynamic.

Surely flow is measured in units per second. How do you get a flow
without time?

Incidently "energy" is a potential of some "thing" for creating
movement, it refers to the possible creation of motion, which implies
time and distance. The use of the term "energy" cannot really be
applied as a description of a thing in itself, things HAVE energy,
they cannot be said to BE energy except in science fiction.  Mass is a
measure of energy but it is more than a century since people thought
of particles as amorphous blobs of "mass", the modern challenge is to
describe the "thing" that has mass that is a particle.

> It's all extremely-simple and straight-forward.
> Seeing the energy density at any 'point' in
> 3-space enables one to deterministically
> predict the 'next' energy-flow at that 'point'
> be-cause everything within physical reality
> just goes with the universal WDB2T energy-
> flow. 

Does this flow happen at an instant or over a period of time? The
energy density at an instantaneous point in 3D space is a weird thing,
remember Heisenberg? 'Change in energy' times 'interval for change' is
a constant, according to quantum physics your point might have
infinite energy at a true instant.

Best Wishes

Alex Green

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