"Alex Green" <dralexgreen at yahoo.co.uk> wrote in message
news:42c8441.0312230217.3979c378 at posting.google.com...
> > [...]
> [...]
> So, as a theorist in consciousness studies, what
> new prediction about consciousness are you
> making and how might it be tested? Give us
> your best shot.
>> Best Wishes
>> Alex Green
Thanks, Alex.
I've explained how and why curiosity, creativity
and volition arise within nervous systems, all in
a way that reduces directly to the Neuroscience
experimental results.
Would submitting a paper that explains that much
be sufficient with respect to publication?
I've explained a lot more, all in a way that reduces
directly to the Neuroscience experimental results,
but part of what's been the problem is that higher
level discussion is necessary dependent upon the
lower level discussion, which has not yet been
published. When I try to discuss the higher level
stuff with folks who don't comprehend the lower
level stuff, they don't gety it.
I expect that, if there's an Editor who will accept
the low level paper, I'll be able to fill as much
space as that Editor is willing to give me for at
least a decade.
And I'll stick with the Editor who gives my work
a chance.
Cheers, Alex,
ken [k. p. collins]