"Eray Ozkural exa" <erayo at bilkent.edu.tr> wrote in message
news:fa69ae35.0312190154.5bfb33d4 at posting.google.com...
> "kenneth p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
news:<ROhEb.3508$wL6.1160 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net>...
> > [...]
> Now, could you please tell me what kind of a field is this 4-D
> energydynamics field? I would like to hear, if possible, a precise
> mathematical description.
> [...]
Or were you talking about 4-D energydynamics
as I've discussed them with respect to nervous
system function?
Briefly, the neural Topology is 4-D.
The 4th 'dimension' is a pseudo dimension
that's just used to cross-correlate the 3-D
This is necessary because the fiber pathways
interconnect loci that are at 3-D-'vectored'
distances from each other. Ever locus within
the nervous system has varying numbers of
such 3-D 'correlations'.
The pseudo 4th-'dimension' is used to just
keep tract of these 3-D projection correl-
ations. [As is discussed in AoK, Ap2, except,
when that discussion was written, I'd not
yet eliminated what's referred to as "time" as
a dimension. Where I now use a 3-space to
address the non-interconnected nervous system
loci, back then, I used a 4-Space, invoking
"time" as an ordering principle with respect
to successive activations at each 'point' within
the 3 spatial dimensions, and a "5th [pseudo]
'dimension'" that whas used, as above, to
cross-correlate 3-D projections. It was not
long after writing AoK that I realized that the
"time" dimension is completely redundant be-
cause the same information is encoded in
relative activation at any 'point' in the neural
3-space - because the 'next' relative activa-
tion is determined by the 'present' activation.
So using a 'time' dimension is entirely un-
necessary. [I've since verified that the same
is True with respect to physical reality in
general, which is why I refer to "space-time"
as "so-called". All there is within physical
reality is energy 'density' in 3-space. Be-
cause of the energy-flow that is WDB2T, the
energy density at any 'point' in 3-space
determines the 'next' energy density at that
'point' in 3-space, and, because physical
reality is continuous, this occurs throughout
physical reality, which is =just= 3-dimensional.
No such thing as 'time' exists within physical
reality. Everything that has, formerly, been
referred to as being "time dependent", is
not that, but energy-density-with-respect-to-
the-WDB2T-energy-flow-dependent, and the
WDB2T energy-flow just goes 'down-hill'
from greatest energy density to least energy-
density, and all physical dynamics are deter-
mined by this one continuous universal energy-
flow dynamic.
It's all extremely-simple and straight-forward.
Seeing the energy density at any 'point' in
3-space enables one to deterministically
predict the 'next' energy-flow at that 'point'
be-cause everything within physical reality
just goes with the universal WDB2T energy-
flow. [With respect to this, of course, folks
have had 'difficulty' in seeing the energy density
because folks have not been aware of universal
WDB2T, its continuity, and the energy-flow
inherent in it, but, as I discussed in my prior
post in this thread, all of this is actually flat-out
easy to see verifiably.
Anyway, the neural-topological 4-space is as
above, and it, too, is very simple and straight
forward - except that the 4th-'dimension's
description is necessarily huge, requiring all of
Neuroanatomy at all scales, from single ions
to the globally-macroscopic Neuroanatomy.
Folks have had a hart 'time' with this 4th-
'dimension' stuff because they just don't
do the work inherent in becoming familiar
with the Neuroanatomy.
AoK is a discussion of the fundamentals of
the 4-D energydynamics of nervous systems
[the most-concise that I could write].
If what's here isn't perfectly clear, please
msg back, pointing out where my description
is inadequate from your perspective, and I'll
augment the discussion. [I'm too 'familiar'
with it to know what's difficult in it for others.]
ken [k. p. collins]