Tonight, I'm watching =The Titanic= [yes, on TV :-]
while I work. [I'm pretty much always watching TV
while I'm composing my posts - which is some of why
I have to smile when I go back and read them after
I've posted them. Watching TV while composing my
posts, of course, embeds 'distraction' within them. At
this point, though, I "don't care". I'm just trying to
stay-alive, and TV lifts me up out of what would, other-
wise, be a completely-isolated 'state' which would
render me vulnerable to being 'overwhelmed', and,
therefore, 'unable' to continue. It's a trade-off. If I ever
see that there's any usefulness in giving myself to
complete-devotion - if it's ever obvious that anyone's
actually reading what I post - I'll turn the TV off and
devote myself completely to composing my discussions.]
Anyway, the fictional "Titanic" just hit the iceberg, and
the forced sailing instructions that precipitated the
collision, and the panic that too-briefly preceded the
collision, reminded me of:
and my having 'jumped-up-and-down' sounding the alarm
for decades, while being 'over-ruled' by the 'captains
of society'.
Forgive me, please, for using the fictional account of
the Historical and Current events to convey the exxence
of Truth with respect to NDT's circumstances.
It's the absence-of-understanding that inflicts such
upon Society.
The 'captains-of-society' are oblivious to what's
actually going on, and, as was the case with the Titanic,
they pursue their own narrow agenda ["Set a record
for the North Atlantic crossing!"; "Wage war on terrorism!"],
without having a clue with respect to the forces that they
are inviting into existence.
Now, in the fictional account, they're forcing folks to
stay out of the too-few-in-number lifeboats.
Same-old, same-old.
Why can't rational discourse ever be heard until
after Tragedy has unfolded?
Why do the 'captains-of-society' 'think' that common
sense 'does not matter'?
Why can't folks who get themselves into inbred-
interactive dynamics that're oblivious to the big
picture because anyone who has 'familiarity' with
the big picture is 'blocked' from participating in the
group's interactive dynamics, see that they're reck-
lessly inviting Tragedy - just like the 'record'-wanting
folks associated with the historical Titanic did?
My Spirit 'groans' at witnessing the 'blind'-automation
It's not too late, but ["of course"] the 'captains-of-
society' will 'deny' even as the Tragedy becomes
It's all so Sorrowfully-'hilarious'.
No Thought.
Only 'blind'-automation, 'worshipped'.
ken [k. p. collins]