Hi, Peter.
It's nothing 'new'.
There are huge consequences that
fall to me because I do so 'speak-out'.
In accepting those consequences, and
doing what needs to be done, anyway,
I am, in fact, 'turning the other cheek'.
Nothing will befall anyone because of
anything I say.
I, long-ago, assurred that all the consequences
would accrue to myself.
There are no 'forces' that can manipulate
anything I do in any way that 'condemns'
I saw the need for taking care of such
long ago, and took care of it.
It's 'funny' to me how folks 'cringe'
even though they've only been well-Loved,
and well-Served.
This said, there are folks who've 'understood'
[in a sorrowfully-incomplete way] what's in
NDT, and who've been ab-using NDT's stuff.
Of course, I must address such ab-use forthrightly.
I've done so all along, and will continue to
do so - all the while, working to 'rescue' even
those who're doing the ab-use from their
[Even if everything I do is 'confined' to this
ken [k. p. collins]
"Peter F." <effectivespamblock at ozemail.com.au> wrote in message
news:c4rFb.23$VJ3.2103 at nnrp1.ozemail.com.au...
> Hi Ken,
>> Good to see that you are not "turning the other cheek" anymore!
>> Peter
>> "k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
> news:QbpFb.4198$IM3.1617 at newsread3.news.atl.earthlink.net...> > <orkeltatte at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> > news:84da9680.0312210247.4030f84b at posting.google.com...> > > > >The fact that Ritaline and other similar central stimulating drugs
> has
> > > > >the paradoxal effect of normalizing activity and attention in ADDH
> > > > >conditions ,
> > > >
> > > > It is only paradoxical if we play a bit of word magic with
> 'stimulating'
> > >
> > > Sorry! But this is semantic bullshit.Paradoxal refers to an opposite
> > > effect compared to the common effect on the majority of people - eg
> > > excitatory, increased psychomotor tempo and activity and soforth.
> > > [...]
> >
> > For those who've assess to AoK, see the discussion
> > if "inversion" in Ap4.
> >
> > It's not "paradoxical".
> >
> > It's 'just' the dynamics of "inversion", uncomprehended,
> > by the folks who're pushing drugs with respect to
> > behavioral observations pigeon-holed in the nomenclature
> > as 'adhd', etc.
> >
> > If folks could see how 'funny' the absence-of-understanding
> > that results in such is, they'd be ROLFL-ing.
> >
> > If folks could see how Tragic the absence-of-understanding
> > that results in such is, they'd be weeping for the Children.
> >
> > It's so 'interesting' to me that I've gone on and on about the
> > dynamics of "inversion" for more than a decade, discussing
> > them from many different aspects of their actualization within
> > the neural Topology ["functional Neuroanatomy" , but with
> > the additional integrating-emphasis of NDT's topological
> > integration of neural dynamics], [just the other day, discussing
> > them in terms of the generalized "active<->passive phase shift
> > and the structural correlates that have been observed] but
> > folks remain oblivious to the dynamics of "inversion" and the
> > usefulness of NDT's reification of them?
> >
> > It's as if I exist as some 'alien' Being, in the midst of folks
> > who are 'afflicted', and I describe for them how and why
> > the 'afflicting' dynamics occur, invoking the Neuroscience
> > with which they're all 'familiar', and the stuff I discuss for
> > them just 'passes-through' their awarenesses, undetected.
> >
> > And they 'just' go on inflicting non-sense upon the Children.
> >
> > How can I say it so as not to 'offend'?
> >
> > 'Your' absence-of-understanding, even in the face of my
> > having 'spelled-things-out' for 'you' for more than a decade,
> > leaves my jaw hanging down.
> >
> > It's like 'you' are a man, fallen over a cliff and dangling from
> > a precipice [kind of like Frodo in =The Return of The King=],
> > and I 'throw-a-rope' down to 'you', hollering, "Grab `The Rope`",
> > and 'you' [kind of like Frodo in =The Return of The King=], re-
> > fuse to take it, even though it's the only thing that can lift 'you'
> > up out of 'your' absence-of-understanding, in which 'you' are
> > mucking around in Children's nervous systems with drugs even
> > though 'you' have no comprehension with respect to what's
> > going on within the Children's nervous systems.
> >
> > It's as if, just because 'you' have 'fallen-into-the-abyss', 'you'
> > want to drag-the-Children 'down-there' with-'you', rather
> > than 'climb-up-out-of' 'your' absence-of-understanding.
> >
> > What other 'explanation' is there with respect to the way
> > everything has been laid-at-'your'-electronic-feet, yet 'you'
> > 'move toward' absence-of-understanding and 'move away
> > from' understanding.
> >
> > Look, 'you' have Responsibility.
> >
> > 'You' =cannot= 'just' dump drugs into Children's nervous
> > systems, while 'turning-a-blind-eye' to the functional
> > consequences inherent in 'your' dumping of drugs into
> > Children's nervous systems, just 'because', when 'you'
> > were in graduate [and/or medical] school, 'you' were
> > told that "No one knows why [with respect to this or
> > that within nervous system functionality]".
> >
> > You know?
> >
> > Wake up!
> >
> > K. P. Collins
> >
> >