Brain clues to attention disorder

k p Collins kpaulc at [----------]earthlink.net
Sun Dec 21 18:34:33 EST 2003

<orkeltatte at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:84da9680.0312211037.72881ab7 at posting.google.com...
> Dave Bird <dave at nospam.xemu.demon.co.uk> wrote in message
news:<MdRByNADua5$EwsC at xemu.demon.co.uk>...
> > In article<84da9680.0312210247.4030f84b at posting.google.com>,
> > orkeltatte at hotmail.com <orkeltatte at hotmail.com> writes:
> > >> > [...]
> > > [...]
> > [...]

> That will probably be due to the effect of up - and
> downregulationg of the receptors in question - adapting,
> or trying to adapt to new neurochemical environment

Good point.

For those who have it, see the discussion of "functional
multiplexing" in AoK, Ap9 [There's also more important
discussion of "inversion" there, too.] [BTW, it's only about
1 & 1/2 single-spaced "letter"-sized pages of reading, so
"no excuses" fornot taking the 'time' to reread it, now.]

Administering of drugs =always= results in catastrophic
modification of innate functional multiplexing dynamics,
which amounts to an abnormally-induced 'scrambling'
of 'normal' functional-multiplexing dynamics, which,
lo and behold, is 'just' an artificially-induced imposition
of relative TD E/I(up), the 'quieting' result being due, in
its entirety, to the fact that such imposition of TD E/I(up)
slows down TD E/I-minimization simply be-cause it
forces the neural Topology to perform relatively-more
information-processing work per unit of 'clock-time'.

It's literally exactly analogous to afixing weights to the
subjects' neural information processing. Literally, an
artificially-imposed dumbing-down of the subjects'
nervous system function.

What good is such?

Non at all.

Why not, instead, comprehend the fact that the innately-
brilliant nervous systems that are 'diagnosed' as being
'adhd'-ed are 'just' acting-out their Analyses that the
environmental conditions in which they exist are 'stupid'?

Why not =Listen= to these 'canaries-in-the-mine' indicators
with respect to all manner of deleterious conditions that
absence-of-understanding on the parts of 'profit'-seekers
have imposed within commonplace societal environment?

But the absence-of-understanding guards that which is
'familiar' to it 'Jealously'.

"We can't change anything. Look at what that would
do to our profits! We've got to keep folks in the dark
with respect to all of this."

What am I talking about?

There are myriad factors, all born in absence-of-
understanding, that are imposing TD E/I(up) upon
the Children [upon populations in general].

I addressed some of these in another recent post
with respect to TV's typically scatter-brained fair.

Viewing such litterally scatters-brains - induces
TD E/I(up) within viewers' nervous systems.

The Children's reaction to such, which has been
'diagnosed' as 'abnormal' by 'medicine', is the =only=
thing that's actually Normal in the mix.

The Children's nervous systems, in their still-being-
Innocence, are literally Analyzing these societal
dynamics, and 'crying-out' against them in a way
that's very-much-like the dynamics of "infant's
crying behavior" as it's discussed in AoK, Ap5.

But instead of heading this Warning bheing given
by the still-untainted Brilliance of the Children's
nervous systems, 'medicine' drugs it into oblivion.

It's Impossible to conceive of anything more-Absurd
than this 'practice' is.

Absence-of-understanding actively-thwarting
understanding - 'diagnosing' it as 'abnormal, and, then,
just trashing it.

In the future, 'after the dust settles' with respect to
all that's reified in NDT, jaws will hang down across
populations that 'medicine' could have inflicted such
upon Humanity.

K. P. Collins

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