Brain clues to attention disorder

k p Collins kpaulc at [----------]earthlink.net
Sun Dec 21 05:32:10 EST 2003

"kenneth p Collins" <kpaulc at earthlink.net> wrote in message
news:3IWDb.1560$wL6.817 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net...
> The "hyperactivity element" is an =artifact= of the elevated TD E/I that
> imposed externally, and which prevents the development of long-term
> active-phase experience, which weakens, or flat-out prevents, the 'normal'
> passiv->active dominance behavioral transition, the absence of which is
> that 'adhd' is.
> The "hyperactivity element" is 'just' what happens in the absence of
> active-phase [motor-dominant] experience and correlated development - in
> absence of inwardly-generated directionality, behavior 'floats' upon the
> 'sea' of sensory experience. [Modern electronic-gadget stuff, including
> that imposes behavioral passivity [sensory-dominance] augments these
> dynamics. If folks compare pre-TV brains with contemporaneous brains,
> they'll find generalized correlated modifications [this can be
> through modern scanning techniques with subjects from low- and high-tech
> populations].
> [...]

Please do not construe my prior comments, quoted
above as saying that TV brings nothing of worth
to Society.

Of course it does.

[I wrote a much-longer discussion, but have
put it aside because it just got too 'diverse' :-]

But, BTW, the differential scanning approach
mentioned above is much more capable than is
mentioned above.

k. p. collins

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