Brain clues to attention disorder

Dave Bird dave at nospam.xemu.demon.co.uk
Sat Dec 20 13:37:16 EST 2003

In article<84da9680.0312200744.7c0352e8 at posting.google.com>,
orkeltatte at hotmail.com <orkeltatte at hotmail.com> writes:
>"John H." <johnh at faraway.com.au> wrote in message news:<3fbd9960 at dnews.t
>> Another myth bites the dust, though the evidence of ADHD being a real
>> condition has rarely been in dispute by those who read the research.
>> Hopefully this finding will further our understanding of this condition,
>> which I have no hope of understanding.
>> John H.
>The fact that Ritaline and other similar central stimulating drugs has 
>the paradoxal effect of normalizing activity and attention in ADDH 
>conditions , 

It is only paradoxical if we play a bit of word magic with 'stimulating'

In fact ADHD is a condition in which motion activity driven by
noradrenaline is very high, but planning activity driven by
dopamine is low.  DOPAMINE-RAISING drugs such as Ritalin 
restore the balance by raising planning activity and
concentration to overcome the high physical activity.

>together with the findings of reduced cerebral bloodflow 
>(SPECT) on brainstem level , suggests not only a dysfunction in 
>attention centre (RAS) but also that it is the dopaminergic systems that 
>are malfunctious. It is therefore possible in the true cases of ADDH to 
>treat ex juvantibus with these drugs , and confirming the diagnose.

--                                                            .---.
  It was once believed that a million monkeys at a million   { o o } 
  keyboards would eventually type the works of Shakespeare,  _(---)_
  but the Internet has since disproved this theory.         /       \     

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