In article <sXREb.2006$IM3.1597 at>,
"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]> wrote:
> "Noelie S. Alito" <noelie at> wrote in message
> news:bs0cvp$86a3o$1 at> > "Dag Stenberg" <dag.stenberg at> wrote in message
> > news:brshok$b5e$1 at> > > In bionet.neuroscience dkomo <dkomo at> wrote:
> > > > jsp wrote:
> > > >> During the past two years, the salaries of
> > > >> most scientists have decreased significantly.
> > > >> See
> > > >>> > >
> > > We were never in it primarily for the salary anyway.
> >
> > Yeah, we know: The big money is in reselling lab
> > equipment and supplies.
>> The big-'profits' are in creating artificial stimulus-response
> situations re. 'drug' use.
>> It's also an ab-use of everything that Neuroscience is.
>> The 'profit'-seekers 'just' hijack our Science.
>> It's been so curious to me that no one speaks-out
> against such.
>> It's exactly analogous to any run-of-the-mill
> organized crime, after all.
>> The 'silence' that's prevailed speaks volumes
> with respect to the coercive dynamics that
> are in-place.
>> All the more reason to stand-against-it.
>> ken
Ken: Hi!
Perhaps I missed an earlier post of yours, but what I read above is
difficult to understand. Would you please expand on what it is you are
trying to say?
For example, you say "The big-'profits' are in creating artificial
stimulus-response situations re. 'drug' use."
Are you talking about companies like Eli Lilly, Bayer, Syntex, Hoffman,
etc. -- the big drug companies?
And your last line, "All the more reason to stand-against-it". Stand
against what?