Case in-point, below.
"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]> wrote in message
news:OBVEb.2111$IM3.1394 at
> Hi Peter,
>> I wrote a lengthy reply, but have deleted it.
>> I stand on what I posted.
>> The point just has to be gotten across that
> nothing that occurs within nervous systems
> [molecular 'level' to global 'level', all-
> inclusive] 'stands separate' from the
> external 3-D energydynamics that impinge
> upon nervous systems.
Case in-point:
Here in the U. S. the other day, a Jury
found a 17-year-old "Guilty" of Capital
Murder, when it's absolutely verifiable
that the fellow was strongly influenced
by another man who was involved in the
Murders. [Perhaps you heard of the
Murders when they happened - Washington,
D. C. area. The two involved were shooting
Innocent folks going about their daily affairs,
including a Youngster at an elementary school.]
The facts of the 17-year-old's circumstances
are clear. He was ab-used as a Child, abandoned,
and attended-to by the older 'man' involved in the
There's all of this stuff heaped-upon him during
tender years, Society completely Failing him
by not intervening to resuce him from the ab-use
to which he was subjected.
And then, when the burden of all of this verifiably
right-there 3-D energydynamics that were
externally imposed upon his nervous system
actualizes its force internally, the 'society' that
abandoned him once, turns a 'blind' eye upon
its own culpability with respect to its own Failure
to rescue the Child from the ab-usive dynamics
when they were occurring.
They're probly going to put the Kid to death.
It's Nuts.
Complete Insanity.
Sanctioned by both 'society' and The Court.
Boosted greatly by the prevailing hysteria
with respect to Terrorism [Terrorism that
just would not have unfolded if Society had
carried out its Responsibility with respect to
the understanding [NDT's] that was, decades
ago, laid at its feet.
But, "What the hell? Who cares about 'under-
standing'? The 17-year-old committed murder.
He needs to suffer the consequences of his
And so it goes, and it's Society that suffers,
and which inflicts further such suffering upon
itself - upon other Innocents - 'just' because
it cannot find within itself the will to understand,
and act upon understanding.
You know? Form the 'killer' by assuring
that the formative energydynamics can exist
within 'society's realm, and then, when the
energydynamics, experienced, exert themselves
within nervous systems, why, just inflict more
suffering upon the Kid who already had so
much suffering inflicted upon him.
"Don't worry about it."
"These 'rotten apples' just come along every
now and then, and we just have to get rid of
Yeah sure, how's that B. S. taste?
Anyway, it's a case in-point, and a case in-point
that conveys a little bit of why thie stuff has to be
gotten across to folks.
In this case, it's the 'jury' who are committing
Murder, to cover-up 'society's Failure.
It's a damnable unwitting 'conspiracy', itself
born in, and carried through in, self-perpetuating
absence-of-understanding that does nothing other
than assure more of the same-stuff will recur
in the future.
Tragedy all around.
When will Society call itself to task and say,
"Enough" with respect to it's "sowing the seeds
of its own wearing of chains"? [A. Lincoln]
Kill the Kid who 'society' allowed to be 'Killed'
in his Innocence as a Child?
Don't draw yourself up to your full height and
resolve that such just cannot be allowed to
happen within a Society that is to, in fact, exist
as "Society"?
Anyway, it's a case in-point.
k. p. collins
>> The external energydynamics that are ex-
> perienced literally address nervous systems
> at all 'levels' of all that's in-them.
>> Truth won't "kill the cat".
>> Might get it 'out-of-breath' from the climb,
> that's all :-]
>> ken [k. p. collins]
>> "Peter F." <fell_spamtrap_in-hopefullyeffectiveagainstspam at>
> wrote in message news:qASEb.552$g21.18174 at> > It is difficult (mentally/mental-energetically impossible I'd say) to
> > simultaneously be as biochemistry focused (as M.H. - and who seems to be
> > onto somthing real BTW) and to be as "holistically brain function
> oriented"
> > as you, Ken.
> >
> > Even to shift someone's focus whose focus is very similar to one's own
> > usually very hard.
> >
> > As far as I can stretch myself (and surf on others) to understand why
> > is so, it is due (briefly stated) to: the very substantial AEVASIVE
> > "neuropsychophsyciological mass" that most individuals' have acquired
> > experientially; not to mention phylogenetically and, possibly also
> > significantly, by way of transgenerational imprinting involving
> > environmentally and experientailly conditioned changes to the "histone
> code"
> > interface between our DNA and our environment.
> >
> > As the wise woman said:
> > "There are more ways to kill a cat than there are to keep it alive." ;-)
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > P