You mean because I don't have a sophomoric view of conditioning which I
combine with some old Freudian notions and rap it up in some silly acronyms?
Oh yeah.....I forgot that everyone with a computer is automatically a "brain
expert," hence your profound "...perhaps the poster (Sizemore) suffers from
a selective form of Parkinson-related paralysis affecting the output from
Broca's region." The reason that what you say is gibberish, and will remain
so, is because you don't hold your ideas up to real scrutiny. Why don't you
get some of your profound notions into a refereed journal? Answer: because
you can't. People would spot, immediately, that you are an idiot, and what
you say is not new, profound, or well reasoned.
"Peter F." <fell_spamtrap_in-hopefullyeffectiveagainstspam at>
wrote in message news:JMOEb.483$g21.16021 at
>> "Glen M. Sizemore" <gmsizemore2 at> wrote in message
> news:0f6dc6eb0a30d95446990424898dc0f7 at> > Even if that were true, it wouldn't change the fact that you're an
>> There might be something of interest here! Given the severly limited
> vocabulary as far as derogatory remarks goes, combined with other
> displayed signs of intellectual stagnation and lack of creative vitality,
> perhaps the poster (Sizemore) suffers from a selective form of
> Parkinson-related paralysis affecting the output from Broca's region.?
>> P