Hi Peter,
I wrote a lengthy reply, but have deleted it.
I stand on what I posted.
The point just has to be gotten across that
nothing that occurs within nervous systems
[molecular 'level' to global 'level', all-
inclusive] 'stands separate' from the
external 3-D energydynamics that impinge
upon nervous systems.
The external energydynamics that are ex-
perienced literally address nervous systems
at all 'levels' of all that's in-them.
Truth won't "kill the cat".
Might get it 'out-of-breath' from the climb,
that's all :-]
ken [k. p. collins]
"Peter F." <fell_spamtrap_in-hopefullyeffectiveagainstspam at ozemail.com.au>
wrote in message news:qASEb.552$g21.18174 at nnrp1.ozemail.com.au...
> It is difficult (mentally/mental-energetically impossible I'd say) to
> simultaneously be as biochemistry focused (as M.H. - and who seems to be
> onto somthing real BTW) and to be as "holistically brain function
> as you, Ken.
>> Even to shift someone's focus whose focus is very similar to one's own is
> usually very hard.
>> As far as I can stretch myself (and surf on others) to understand why this
> is so, it is due (briefly stated) to: the very substantial AEVASIVE
> "neuropsychophsyciological mass" that most individuals' have acquired
> experientially; not to mention phylogenetically and, possibly also
> significantly, by way of transgenerational imprinting involving
> environmentally and experientailly conditioned changes to the "histone
> interface between our DNA and our environment.
>> As the wise woman said:
> "There are more ways to kill a cat than there are to keep it alive." ;-)
>> Cheers,
>> P