New Support of Schizophrenia Caused by Low Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)

Peter F. fell_spamtrap_in-hopefullyeffectiveagainstspam at ozemail.com.au
Sat Dec 20 02:09:10 EST 2003

It is difficult (mentally/mental-energetically impossible I'd say) to
simultaneously be as biochemistry focused (as M.H. - and who seems to be
onto somthing real BTW) and to be as "holistically brain function oriented"
as you, Ken.

Even to shift someone's focus whose focus is very similar to one's own is
usually very hard.

As far as I can stretch myself (and surf on others) to understand why this
is so, it is due (briefly stated) to: the very substantial AEVASIVE
"neuropsychophsyciological mass" that most individuals' have acquired
experientially; not to mention phylogenetically and, possibly also
significantly, by way of transgenerational imprinting involving
environmentally and experientailly conditioned changes to the "histone code"
interface between our DNA and our environment.

As the wise woman said:
"There are more ways to kill a cat than there are to keep it alive." ;-)



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