New Support of Schizophrenia Caused by Low Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)

k p Collins kpaulc at [----------]earthlink.net
Sat Dec 20 00:21:36 EST 2003

You still haven't addressed Caram's point.

G'zillions of things enter into DNA tuning,
any of which can, and must, also be determined
experientially - by the activation that actually
occurs within a nervous system.

The position you've taken does not differentiate
any of these experience-derived variabilities.

Any factor such as the one you've addressed
can, and must, be determined via experience.

Vary experience, and one can, through such,
tune the underlying neural dynamics, right
down to the molecular 'level'.

In particular regard to the ill-defined set of
symptoms that have been referred to as
"schizophrenai", it's flat-out 'easy' [if unethical
in the extreme] to produce such in =any= ner-
vous system's functionality.

Long-term forced endurance of consistent
experiential-inconsistency will do it in every case.

Clearly, if a 'normal' nervous system's response
to such is a dis-integration of functionality, such
has nothing to do with the innate functionality,
and everything to do with the ab-use to which
the nervous system was exposed.

It's =necessary= to get, and keep, what's here

k. p. collins

"James Michael Howard" <jmhoward at arkansas.net> wrote in message
news:86v5uvkragrb3g9ton1k1d9lfgvldbp6ma at 4ax.com...
> [...]

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