Brain clues to attention disorder

Peter F. fell_spamtrap_in-hopefullyeffectiveagainstspam at ozemail.com.au
Fri Dec 19 21:49:09 EST 2003

"Glen M. Sizemore" <gmsizemore2 at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:0f6dc6eb0a30d95446990424898dc0f7 at news.teranews.com...
> Even if that were true, it wouldn't change the fact that you're an idiot.

There might be something of interest here! Given the severly limited
vocabulary as far as derogatory remarks goes, combined with other previously
displayed signs of intellectual stagnation and lack of creative vitality,
perhaps the poster (Sizemore) suffers from a selective form of
Parkinson-related paralysis affecting the output from Broca's region.?


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