Looking for neurology information

Scott Oakman saoakman at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 18 12:01:03 EST 2003

There is a MUCH newer _Scientific American_ special "Brain" issue.  
Again, go to amazon.com.

(You'd send this kid to the **1979** version?  Before PET, before MRI,
before molecular neurochemistry?????)

"kenneth p  Collins" <kpaulc at earthlink.net> wrote in message news:<fiXDb.1575$wL6.1526 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net>...
> Go to the Library and check out the September, 1979 issue of =Scientific
> American=. It's a good intro. Lots of excellent diagrams. [They [W. F.
> Freeman] also published it as a book, so you might be able to find it in
> bookstores, but I don't have the title.]
> ken
> "Chris Brunner" <newsaddy at innovateyour.com> wrote in message
> news:pan.2003. at innovateyour.com...
> > Hello people,
> > [...]

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