mccoy at (J McCoy) wrote in message news:<3f355ee.0312171413.49471089 at>...
>jspub2003 at (jsp) wrote in message news:<f2fbd428.0311200949.50628aa3 at>...
> > During the past two years, the salaries of
> > most scientists have decreased significantly.
> > See
> >> >
>> It's just a matter of commonsense that when the economy is in trouble
> salaries suffer.
>> JM
Sure, as I scientist I accept that. But I'm really pissed off that the
Evil Atheist Evolutionary COnspiracy is always late sending us the
stipend checks. Someone told me it would be a lavish sinecure. Hah!
I've been publishing papers that take evolution for granted for almost
20 years, and the damn stipend checks are always late. If the check
ain't in the mail this week, I'm going to go see if I can't get a
better deal from ICR.
>>>> > --------------------------------------------------------------
> > Jupiter Scientific -- dedicated to the promotion of science
> > and scientific education through books, the internet,
> > and other means of communication
> >> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111