Deities cannot exist because of their consciousness

Wolf Kirchmeir wwolfkir at sympatico.can
Wed Dec 17 20:41:42 EST 2003

On 17 Dec 2003 07:42:51 -0800, keith wrote:

>Supernatural or natural seems to me to just be a sort of explanation
>*for* the experience.

So you claim X has a supernatural origin or cause. So? You can't prove that
it does -- nor can you prove that it doesn't. The claim therefore is
irrelevant, except perhaps to other believers. (But some of those other
believers might disagree with you; and some of those might be so exercised by
your heretical claim that they'd want to kill you.....)

Wolf Kirchmeir, Blind River ON Canada
"Nature does not deal in rewards or punishments, but only in consequences."
(Robert Ingersoll)

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