Deities cannot exist because of their consciousness

kenneth p Collins kpaulc at earthlink.net
Wed Dec 17 07:08:14 EST 2003

"Dio" <dadaismo at tin.it> wrote in message
news:n3Qwb.97435$hV.3621107 at news2.tin.it...
> r norman
> >1.  Consciousness may be produced by "brain".  That does not mean that
> >it could not be produced by something else.
> Would you mind to explain us what you mean when you say:  consciousness
> could be produced by "something else".
> What do you mean when you say "something else"?
> I'm talking about brain, CNS and so on, you are talking about "something
> else".
> Could you explain us what is that "something else" please?
> bye bye

You've fallen into an error of infinite scale - presuming that what you know
is all there is to know.

Dr. Norman took the position diametrically-opposed to yours, and avoided the


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