>From your web site:
"We have developed a novel assay for establishing precisely controlled
molecular gradients of variable steepness in gels."
It's important to understand that, in vivo, all such "molecular gradients"
are determined via neural-activation dynamics.
So important, in fact, that the raw gradient info, without the coupled [4-D]
neural-activation info, says almost nothing about what's actually going on
within nervous systems. That is, almost everything that matters is
determined in the 4-D neural activation.
The difference is analogous to the difference between blindly-automated
coloring, say, with a crayon, and, with the same crayon, producing an image
that contains and conveys unique information-content.
The latter cannot be achieved via simple 3-D gradients because it occurs as
a function of merged 3-D gradients which constitute 4-D gradients.The merged
3-D gradients need, and typically do not, present an observer with a "neat"
picture that is, itself, discernable as a "3-D gradient".
These concerns are important to me because it's the 4-D stuff that matters,
and efforts that restrict themselves to 3-D stand as 'walls' that prevent
understanding of what actually happens within nervous systems. [It's
'personal'. I've been 'bashed' a lot by folks who insist on calling the 3-D
stuff "everything', to the point where the 4-D reality becomes 'outlawed',
which 'blocks' all progress toward understanding.]
But, hell, I don't have a PhD, so I guess I can't come to Georgetown to
discuss this stuff even though it was all worked out decades ago?
[To all: I'm not being 'untoward'. It's just that I'm 'tired' of not being
able to bring the Science forward because, to bring it forward, I had to
'escape' the 'system', thereby, 'violating' the system's rules, which,
further, precludes being allowed to publish the work I've done.]
k. p. collins
"Geoffrey J Goodhill" <geoff at georgetown.edu> wrote in message
news:3fb92ec3$1 at bandit2.georgetown.edu...
> immediately to study mechanisms of axonal gradient detection in the
> developing nervous system. You will join an NIH-funded
> interdisciplinary team that has developed a novel in vitro assay for
> studying axon guidance by precisely controlled molecular gradients in
> collagen gels (Rosoff et al, SFN Abstracts 2003, 884.5). A Ph.D. in
> biological sciences, experience in cell/tissue culture, and a record
> of publication in international journals are required. For more
> details see http://cns.georgetown.edu/axon.html. Applications to:
> Geoffrey J Goodhill, Dept Neuroscience, Georgetown University Medical
> Center, 3900 Reservoir Road NW, Washington DC 20007,
>geoff at georgetown.edu. For email applications ascii text or PDF files
> are preferred