Axon collaterals ?

Joe Legris jalegris at xympatico.ca
Tue Dec 16 21:10:43 EST 2003

Matthew Kirkcaldie wrote:
> In article <Xns94539459E651FBilZ0rhotmailcom at>,
>  BilZ0r <BilZ0r at TAKETHISOUThotmail.com> wrote:
>>Yes, its very common. Just often another way a cell mediates negative 
> Why would an autapse from an excitatory neuron constitute "negative 
> feedback"?  It would be a positive feedback loop if anything.
>          Matthew.

Positive feedback might make a neuron "bursty" - so that any time it 
fires, there's a good chance it will fire many times in rapid 
succession. Maybe the length of the feedback loop sets the bursting speed.

Joe Legris

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