Call for participation: Interdisciplinary College 2004 (IK 04)
SUMMARY: An international, interdisciplinary, intense annual spring
school on brain & intelligence related sciences. Focus theme in 2004:
- Robotics and biologically inspired motor control,
- Cognitive aspects of embodiment and motion learning.
Time: March 5 - 12, 2004
Location: Guenne, a charming out-of-the-world village at the
border of lake Moehnesee in central Germany.
What is IK?
The Interdisciplinary College (Interdisziplinaeres Kolleg, IK) is an
annual one-week spring school on all brain & intelligence related
sciences. It offers a dense, state-of-the-art course program in
neurobiology, neural computation, cognitive science and artificial
intelligence. It is aimed at students, postgraduates and researchers
from academia and industry. By combining humanities, science and
technology, the IK endeavours to intensify dialogue and connectedness
across the various disciplines. The IK has a long tradition (see
website); in its current form it has been organized annually since
1999. All courses are taught in English.
The IK 2004
Each IK has a special focus theme. About 30-40 percent of the courses
are dedicated to aspects of this theme, which at IK-04 is "body and
motion". It is reflected in a number of courses that deal with the
following topics:
- mathematical modelling of complex dynamical systems
- disorders in the human motor system
- perception and action in cognitive science
- neural networks in motor control
- motion planning in robots
- navigation strategies in insects and robots
- cognitive and neuronal representation of motion patterns
- development of motor skills in infants
- analysis of motion patterns in sports
- didactical use of dance, singing, and motion in language teaching
- philosophy of embodied cognition
For more detailed information about program, history, conference site,
organizers, and registration, please consult
Posted by:
Herbert Jaeger
Professor for Computational Science
International University Bremen
Campus Ring 12
28759 Bremen, Germany
Phone (+49) 421 200 3215
email h.jaeger at iu-bremen.de
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