Thanks for the excellent links, Michael
"Michael Olea" <oleaj at> wrote in message
news:BBFBA681.261C%oleaj at
> in article qhnctvoh1q8p1cqpib9gchg82ccovob59v at, Doktor DynaSoar at
>targeting at wrote on 12/9/03 3:49 PM:
>> > On Wed, 10 Dec 2003 03:06:14 +0800, "retina" <vimentin at> wrote:
> >
> > } Hi
> > } I am just graduated from a vet school and curious about what dogs and
> > } are seeing.
> > } I would like to pursue Ph.D degree of neuroscience and to study animal
> > } vision.
> > } Does anyone know who are studying in this topic??
> > } Thanks
> >
> > Some of the most intersting work done in visual (and other perceptual)
> > processing in recent decades has been examining rapid neural
> > oscillatory activity (i.e. "gamma" activity). It is thought to
> > represent binding of neurons into functional neural networks.
> >
> > Erol Basar, in Ankara, Turkey, has done much work with cats along
> > these lines. His books include those studies, along with some very
> > good theoretics on the subject.
> >
>> A nice website on the evolution of the retina is:
>>>> Another good site is: