What is a deity?

Lance Sherman lancesherman at insightBB.com
Tue Dec 9 11:17:32 EST 2003

Please dont post this theological material in bionet.neuroscience

thank you

"Dio" <dadaismo at tin.it> wrote in message
news:IaEAb.168248$hV.6222173 at news2.tin.it...
> When one is talking about god, deities and so on, that seem that our
> our reason is broken, is unable.
> To understand what a deity is we need to analyze religion and how them
> describe and "think" deities.
> Most of deities are thought and written(I mean books of religions) as
> will, wishes and so on.
> Eastern philosophy or religion(India, China and so on) think about
> deities.
> But if a deity is sleeping that means something about  rem phase
> .
> Both kind of deities are thought as having consciousness.
> A deity can act if it has a will, wishes and so on. But will, wishes and
> on are attribute of a human consciousness.
> That seem like Jupiter, like Greek mythology, and that kind of deities had
> body too.
> They used to fuck with women, and their sons were half deities.
> Nobody nowadays believes in Greek mythology because those deities had body
> and human attributes.
> But every deity that people invented has got a human attribute: WILL.
> So, we can to conclude that every deity that people invented has got will,
> wishes,: CONSCIOUSNESS.Even they are sleeping that is rem phase:
> A human consciousness!!
> That doesn't matter if that deity has got a body or is immaterial or
> supernatural or is a sort of "something else".
> If you want to think a deity you must think something with CONSCIOUSNESS,
> human consciousness.
> If you think something you name deity but that hasn't got will, wishes,
> is not a deity but a natural phenomenon.
> Earth for instance is not a deity. If you want Earth as a deity you must
> think Earth with will, wishes or at least a sleeping Earth(rem phase).
> Otherwise you'd better to think Earth as a natural phenomenon and not as a
> deity.
> The difference between a deity and a natural phenomenon is that deity is
> thought by every religion and every believer as having will, wishes:
> But as I said, consciousness is a human attribute.
> Try to invent yourself a deity without human attribute: you'll discover
> there can't be a deity but a simple natural phenomenon.
> bye bye

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