Notice to all bionet.neuroscience readers

r norman rsn_ at _comcast.net
Mon Dec 8 17:03:12 EST 2003

On 08 Dec 2003 19:29:06 GMT, chemqueries at aol.com (Chemqueries) wrote:

>>From: "Jeff" kidsdoc2000 at hotmail.com 
>>What some usenet spammers do is use the ligitamate names of people in
>>newsgroups for their advertising
>Hi Jeff. Thank you for your reply. Do you know whether there is someone I can
>contact in order to have that post removed, or at least have my name removed
>from that spamming post?

Chemqueries, don't worry about it.  As I read the post, which is
clearly non-sensical but doesn't seem to be malicious, it reads simply
as a response to your posting which is included.  You did, in fact,
post the material that was attibuted to you and no one would ever
think you were responsible for whatever nonsense is posted in reply.

I don't think this news group is moderated so there is no one to
delete it.  Just igore it.

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