What is a deity?

Russt Blooa at delp.nest
Sun Dec 7 10:22:31 EST 2003

"Dio" <dadaismo at tin.it> wrote in message
news:IaEAb.168248$hV.6222173 at news2.tin.it...
> When one is talking about god, deities and so on, that seem that our
> our reason is broken, is unable.
> To understand what a deity is we need to analyze religion and how them
> describe and "think" deities.
> Most of deities are thought and written(I mean books of religions) as
> will, wishes and so on.
> Eastern philosophy or religion(India, China and so on) think about
> deities.
> But if a deity is sleeping that means something about  rem phase
> .
> Both kind of deities are thought as having consciousness.
> A deity can act if it has a will, wishes and so on. But will, wishes and
> on are attribute of a human consciousness.
> That seem like Jupiter, like Greek mythology, and that kind of deities had
> body too.
> They used to fuck with women, and their sons were half deities.
> Nobody nowadays believes in Greek mythology because those deities had body
> and human attributes.
> But every deity that people invented has got a human attribute: WILL.
> So, we can to conclude that every deity that people invented has got will,
> wishes,: CONSCIOUSNESS.Even they are sleeping that is rem phase:
> A human consciousness!!
> That doesn't matter if that deity has got a body or is immaterial or
> supernatural or is a sort of "something else".
> If you want to think a deity you must think something with CONSCIOUSNESS,
> human consciousness.
> If you think something you name deity but that hasn't got will, wishes,
> is not a deity but a natural phenomenon.
> Earth for instance is not a deity. If you want Earth as a deity you must
> think Earth with will, wishes or at least a sleeping Earth(rem phase).
> Otherwise you'd better to think Earth as a natural phenomenon and not as a
> deity.
> The difference between a deity and a natural phenomenon is that deity is
> thought by every religion and every believer as having will, wishes:
> But as I said, consciousness is a human attribute.
> Try to invent yourself a deity without human attribute: you'll discover
> there can't be a deity but a simple natural phenomenon.
> bye bye
A deity is a supreme being, many cultures describe some human quality mixed
with awesome powers. We (our technology actually) would be supreme beings to
cultures occurring 2000 years ago. Many Roman and Egyptian deities had both
human and animal appearance. The Greeks described their Gods as very
controlling , super humanlike and very powerful.
Almost all cultures had a "boss" God that lorded over the others, there are
tales of attempted takeovers and dissidents that plagued the "boss" God.
This is not much different than belief in one god that has angels (lesser
gods) to do their biddings. The 'one' and/or  'boss' God usually had a
nemisis which can translate to Satan or the 'bad guy' God.

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