On Thu, 04 Dec 2003 21:39:53 -0600, Alan Wostenberg
<awostenbergNospam at psalmweaver.com> wrote:
>r norman wrote:
> > On Wed, 03 Dec 2003 11:34:43 GMT, "Dio" <dadaismo at tin.it> wrote:
>> > I have a new opinion to add to my three previous ones:
> >
> > 4) Dio is an automated response system, sort of like that old
> > psychiatrist interviewer program that made the rounds a
> > few decades ago. What was that one called? It would
> > turn whatever you said into a question that seemed
> > superficially like it was following the conversation.
>>The program was called Eliza. Find him online now at
That's the one, thank you. I always assumed it was a "her".
The difference is that Eliza was sort of fun, seeing where people's
interaction would take them. Dio is just exasperating.