{ at }
{ International conference on Computational Intelligence }
{ for Modelling, Control and Automation - CIMCA'04 }
{ Gold Coast - Australia }
{ }
The orgainsing committe of the CIMCA'04 invitats researchers and
practitioners to submit
proposals for tutorialss in connection with CIMCA'04
to be held Gold Coast - Australia from 12 to 14 July 2004.
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit their tutorial-proposals
to the conference
tutorial chair at: cimca at ise.canberra.edu.au
Tutorial proposals are limited to up to 4 pages for the outline as well as
the Biography of the presenter/s.
The proposal should contain:
An abstract (briefly describing the aims and technical contents of the
An introduction
An outline of the topic
Intended audience (interested audience and required background knowledge)
Biography of presenter/s
Contact information of presenter/s
Each tutorial proposal will be assessed based on significance, originality
as well as scientific and technical interest.
Important dates
Tutorial Proposals due date 16 January 2004
Proposal Notifications 30 January 2004