Deities cannot exist because of their consciousness

mat mats_trash at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 4 10:30:25 EST 2003

mats_trash at hotmail.com (mat) wrote in message news:<43525ce3.0312010556.1eeba2de at posting.google.com>...
> Asking whether someone believes in deities and proposing a physical
> argument as to their existence are subjects that belong in two
> different types of discussion.  A belief would by definition obviate
> any proof, positive or negative.

The definition of a 'belief' (in the strong sense) is a an attitude
not based on any sort of logic, therefore you cannot use logic to
reify it or counter it.  This is why arguing about beliefs is totally
pointless.  Its all a matter of definitions up to this point.  Beliefs
are distinct from logic, by definition.  Gods (at least in the sense
you use) are supernatural by definition which means they are not
natural by definition.  You can't argue these points because any other
usage of the words invalidates all your other concepts which therefore
invalidates all of what you say.

You do understand, you just seem to take some perverse pleasure in
appearing extraordinarily dull.  If you cannot grasp even these
preliminary steps in what actually constitutes a valid argument about
consciousness, you shouldn't even bother to discuss the subject

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