Deities cannot exist because of their consciousness

TonyJeffs tonyjeffs at aol.com
Thu Dec 4 07:22:07 EST 2003

"Dio" <dadaismo at tin.it> wrote in message news:<7c0zb.138873$hV.5037293 at news2.tin.it>...

> Consciousness is produced by brain. That's true.

Why? Just because you say so?

> Have you  got a good theory about immaterial consciousness ?

Maybe, maybe not ;-)

> When you say: consciousness could be produced by "something else". What is
> that "something else"?

I didn't say it, but it is true. It could be produced by something
else. Maybe a potato, for example.

> Please, explain that.

The interaction of the peel and the white potato. Maybe that produces
a propensity for consciousness, and the first time we eat a potato, we
change status from automatons to conscious entities.

> Thanks a lot for your answer



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