Stress hormones

NMF neil.fournier at sympatico.ca
Wed Dec 3 20:11:00 EST 2003

Dear John,

There are many cited examples pertaining to the ideas and concepts that I
brought up in a earlier post.  I would suggest looking at any of the by
Sklar and Hymie Anisman (from Carleton University) work.  (do a pubmed
search and you find the exact references).

To give a bit of context Sklar and Hymie were the first to essentially
develop (and investigate) the effect of stress pattern and
immunoresponsiveness.  (basically they developed or pioneered the "learned
helplessness" paradigm).

Some papers that were quite important involving the transduction mechanism
of glucocorticoids and cancer are:

Auphan N, DiDonato JA, Rosette C, Helmberg A, Karin M. 1995.
     Immunosuppression by glucocorticoids: inhibition of NF-kappa B activity
     through induction of I kappa B synthesis.  Science. 70(5234):286-90.

Romero LM, Raley-Susman KM, Redish DM, Brooke SM, Horner HC, Sapolsky
     RM. 1992.  Possible mechanism by which stress accelerates growth of
     derived tumors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 89(22):11084-7.

The dexamethasone example has been shown extensively.  Some of Anisman work
has revealed this trend.  A few good papers on this are:

Dhabhar FS.  200. Acute stress enhances while chronic stress suppresses skin
     immunity. The role of stress hormones and leukocyte trafficking.  Ann N
    Acad Sci. 917:876-93.

Aylsworth CF, Sylvester PW, Leung FC, Meites J.  1980.  Inhibition of
     tumor growth by dexamethasone in rats in the presence of high serum
    levels.  Cancer Res. 40(6):1863-6.

Chirigos MA, Schultz RM. 1979.   Animal models in cancer research which
    be useful in studies of the effect of alcohol on cellular immunity.
Cancer Res.
    39(7 Pt 2):2894-8.

Van Den Brenk HA, Stone M, Kelly H, Orton C, Sharpington C.  1974.
     of growth of tumour cells in acutely inflamed tissues.   Br J Cancer.

Ikeda Y, Carson BS, Lauer JA, Long DM.  1993. Therapeutic effects of local
     delivery of dexamethasone on experimental brain tumors and peritumoral
     edema. J Neurosurg. 79(5):716-21.

Some excellent review papers are:

Shi Y, Devadas S, Greeneltch KM, Yin D, Allan Mufson R, Zhou JN. 2003.
Stressed to
      death: implication of lymphocyte apoptosis for psychoneuroimmunology.
Brain Behav
      Immun. 17 Suppl 1:S18-26.

Dunn AJ.  Interactions Between the Nervous System and the Immune System:
     for Psychopharmacology. 2003  In:  Psychopharmacology: 4th Generation
of Progress.
    edited by Kenneth L Davis, Dennis  Charney, Joseph T Coyle, Charles
    New York:  Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


"John" <kjrunia at tiscali.nl> wrote in message
news:3fce33c0$0$41762$5fc3050 at dreader2.news.tiscali.nl...
> Dear sir,
> You wrote:
> > Often the timing of the
> > immunosuppression that accompanies stress will be critical with respect
> > the occurrence of a tumor or development of cancer.
> And you gave an example of administering dexamethosone 7 days before and
> after implantion of a tumor. Would you please be so kind to post the
> reference of this publication. I'm an undergraduate in psychology in The
> Netherlands and I am to write a research proposition in the field of
> psychoneuroimmunology.
> You also wrote:
> > Much of the literature and research has
> > suggested that even the type of stressor may be important.  We often
> employ
> > nebulous terms like "stress" that really don't mean very much.  Certain
> > types of stress, depending on the context, can either produce positive
> > negative effects.
> Would you please be so kind to post some examples of recent literature?
> can also be review articles, naturally!
> Thank you very much in advance.
> With regards,
> John Runia
> The Netherlands

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