Brain Slice Instruments

Matthew Kirkcaldie Matthew.Kirkcaldie at removethis.newcastle.edu.au
Wed Dec 3 19:55:59 EST 2003

In article 
<Matthew.Kirkcaldie-07E702.11414904122003 at seagoon.newcastle.edu.au>,
 Matthew Kirkcaldie <Matthew.Kirkcaldie at removethis.newcastle.edu.au> 

> Not sure about price - I think the VT1000 cost $10000 in Australian 
> dollars ($US 4500) in 1996!  Come to think of it, that does seem a bit 
> high.

Actually when I typed that line I wrote $A 14 000 and then revised it 
because it seemed silly.  However this web-page:


talks about the machine costing anywhere between $US10 000 and 18 000, 
so it wasn't silly after all.  Some other pertinent information for 
slice work there as well.



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