In article <Xns9446126AFCE8Bgiddeonnyquisthotmai at>,
Giddeon Nyquist <giddeon_nyquist at> wrote:
> I was just wondering if anyone here uses the Leica VT 1000 S vibratome. If
> so, I was wondering if its a good purchase and an estimated price on it.
I used the VT1000 for a year and it was wonderful - absolutely beautiful
slices and a very consistent and programmable action. The replacement
model was even better because the start and end points of the slice
travel were fully variable. I have some colleagues here who use it very
successfully for in vitro slice recording work, it's a beautiful piece
of gear.
Not sure about price - I think the VT1000 cost $10000 in Australian
dollars ($US 4500) in 1996! Come to think of it, that does seem a bit