Thanks - I will continue to be interested in your thoughts on REM/nonREM and
"Didier A. Depireux" <didier at> wrote in message
news:bqfr88$g3j$1 at
> Lance Sherman <lancesherman at> wrote:
> > I, for one, will be watching this thread - from curiosity re the factual
> > answer, but mostly to understand what is the motivating question
> > this one.
>> > That is, what are you thinking about, Didier?
>> In a paper,
> Vis Neurosci. 2000 Jan-Feb;17(1):55-62.
> "Burst and tonic firing in thalamic cells of unanesthetized, behaving
> monkeys." by Ramcharan EJ, Gnadt JW, Sherman SM.
> they record from cells in LGN during sleep and wakefulness. During sleep,
> on a return map for the interspike intervals, you see clearly that there
> predominant intervals in the firing (Fig 3 if you have access to it). We
> couldn't make out why there would be such specific intervals in the LGN of
> the sleeping animal, unless there is some kind of saccading that is
> reflected in the LGN firing.
>>> Didier
>> --
> Didier A Depireux ddepi001 at umaryland.edudidier at> 685 W.Baltimore Str> Anatomy and Neurobiology Phone: 410-706-1272 (off)
> University of Maryland -1273 (lab)
> Baltimore MD 21201 USA Fax: 1-410-706-2512