Deities cannot exist because of their consciousness

TonyJeffs tonyjeffs at aol.com
Tue Dec 2 04:13:17 EST 2003

The things you say might be true, but you haven't proved it.
It is like saying
"I was born of a mother and father.
Everyone I know was born of a mother and father
Therefore it is impossible to be born of just a mother"

"Everyone I know has nipples.
Everyone I know is conscious.
God must be conscious.
Therefore god must have nipples."

Just because you percieve that all the consciousnesses you've noticed
have arisen in a certain way, It does not mean that otherways can't

Maybe god always exists in a circle in time, and always is/was

Maybe you were conscious before you were born, but you forgot.
Maybe you are god, but you forgot.
I'm only pretending to be conscious to annoy you, but Im not really!



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