That's an interesting field of research and there are many ways to look at
the question. Many particular brain regions are implemented when you and I
see something that we would deem "beautiful" or "attractive". Although we
may both consider various different things as beautiful or attractive the
same brain regions typically show activation. I have include a few
references to a some of my favorite papers that have been published on the
Senior C. 2003. Beauty in the brain of the beholder. Neuron. 38(4):525-8.
O'Doherty J, Winston J, Critchley H, Perrett D, Burt DM, Dolan RJ. 2003.
in a smile: the role of medial orbitofrontal cortex in facial
Neuropsychologia. 41(2):147-55
Chen AC, German C, Zaidel DW. 1997. Brain asymmetry and facial
facial beauty is not simply in the eye of the beholder.
Neuropsychologia. 35
Zaidel DW, Chen AC, German C. 1995. She is not a beauty even when she
possible evolutionary basis for a relationship between facial
attractiveness and
hemispheric specialization. Neuropsychologia. 33(5):649-55.
"Michael S." <m.sabino at> wrote in message
news:_lWxb.250297$275.923983 at attbi_s53...
> Hello,
>> I'm an high school student that's interested in neurology.
> Are there specific portions of the brain that are responsible for
> different desirable traits in those of the opposite gender? Are different
> portions of the brain active when shown a nice ass than when shown big
> boobs?
> How is the visual association area wired to such primitive regions deep
> within the brain? Is the way that these very primitive regions interpret
> visual data different between species?
> Can you provide any mathematical models for determining desireable traits?
> (the golden ratio is the most well-known)...
> Thanks for your time.
>> -- Michael Sabino