mats_trash at (mat) wrote in message news:<43525ce3.0311280646.76719383 at>...
> "John H." <johnh at> wrote in message news:<3fbd9960 at>...
> > Another myth bites the dust, though the evidence of ADHD being a real
> > condition has rarely been in dispute by those who read the research.
> > Hopefully this finding will further our understanding of this condition,
> > which I have no hope of understanding.
> >
> >
> > John H.
> >
> >> >
> > Scientists have found differences in the brains of children with
> > attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.
> > University of California Los Angeles researchers found some areas of the
> > brains of the children were smaller, and but others had more grey matter.
> >
> > .....
>> I don't see how this actually moves the debate on - after all we
> already knew children labelled ADHD were different, this just confirms
> there is a difference *not* that there is a pathology. I think it is
> still debatable whether all children currently diagnosed with ADHD
> should be labelled as 'ill' or 'diseased'. I do not think the debate
> is whether the childrens' behaviour is variant but whether it is
> 'abnormal' or 'pathological'. The more you categorise people the
> narrower the definition of normal becomes.
Excellent observation -- as a point of reference, all high performing
athletes certainly have brains that have developed differently,
and even behavioral differences could be easily observed
and categorized by anyone so inclined.