I, for one, will be watching this thread - from curiosity re the factual
answer, but mostly to understand what is the motivating question underlying
this one.
That is, what are you thinking about, Didier?
> I hope somebody who _actually_ knows can answer: do mammals' eyes saccade
> during sleep, outside of REM sleep that is?
>> TIA
>> Didier
>> --
> Didier A Depireux ddepi001 at umaryland.edudidier at isr.umd.edu> 685 W.Baltimore Str http://neurobiology.umaryland.edu/depireux.htm> Anatomy and Neurobiology Phone: 410-706-1272 (off)
> University of Maryland -1273 (lab)
> Baltimore MD 21201 USA Fax: 1-410-706-2512