Quantum Mind Conference

Immortalist Reanimater_2000 at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 30 11:55:22 EST 2002

Summery of Nutty Quantum Approaches to the Mind

"Mattlesnake" <outside at mattlesnake.com> wrote in message
news:SPA1020929170342-7790 at psychcentral.com...
> Second Announcement and Call for Papers
> Quantum Mind 2003
> Consciousness, Quantum Physics and the Brain
> March 15-19, 2003,
> Tucson Convention Center and Leo Rich Theater
> The University of Arizona
> http://www.consciousness.arizona.edu/quantum-mind2
> Could quantum information be the key to understanding consciousness?
> Will the study of consciousness enable quantum information technology?
> The nature of consciousness and its place in the universe remain
> mysterious. Classical models view consciousness as computation among
> the brain's neurons but fail to address its enigmatic features. At the
> same time quantum processes (superposition of states, nonlocality,
> entanglement,) also remain mysterious, yet are being harnessed in
> revolutionary information technologies (quantum computation, quantum
> cryptography and quantum teleportation.)
> A relation between consciousness and quantum effects has been pondered
> for nearly a century, and in the past decades quantum processes in the
> brain have been invoked as explanations for consciousness and its
> enigmatic features. Critics deride this comparison as a mere
> "minimization of mysteries" and quickly point out that the brain is
> too warm for quantum computation, which in the technological realm
> requires extreme cold to avoid "decoherence" (i.e. the loss of
> seemingly delicate quantum states by interaction with the
> environment.) However quantum computation would surely be advantageous
> from an evolutionary perspective, and biology has had 4 billion years
> to solve the decoherence problem and evolve quantum mechanisms.
> Furthermore, recent experimental evidence indicates quantum
> non-locality occurring in conscious and subconscious brain function,
> and functional quantum processes in molecular biology are becoming
> more and more apparent.
> Much like study of the brain's synaptic connections promoted
> artificial neural networks in the 1980's, appreciation of biological
> quantum information processing may promote quantum information
> technology. Moreover, macroscopic quantum processes are being proposed
> as intrinsic features in cosmology, evolution and social interactions.
> Following the first "Quantum Mind" conference held in Flagstaff at
> Northern Arizona University in 1999, "Quantum Mind 2003" will update
> current status and future directions, and provide dialog with
> skeptical criticism of the proposed synthesis of quantum information
> science and the brain.
> Confirmed speakers include:
> Sir Roger Penrose, Paul Benioff, Henry Stapp, Guenter Mahler, Mae Wan
> Ho, Paavo Pylkkanen, Harald Walach, Jiri Wackerman, Jack Tuszynski,
> Dick Bierman, Koichiro Matsuno, Stuart Hameroff, Nancy Woolf, Scott
> Hagan, Paola Zizzi, Alexander Wendt, Jeffrey Satinover, Roeland van
> Wijk, Guenter Albrecht-Buehler, Ken Augustyn, Sisir Roy and Menas
> Kafatos
> Submitted abstracts will be considered for Plenary Talks, Short Talks
> or Posters. Deadline for abstract submission is December 1, 2002.
> Topics:
> * Quantum models of consciousness
> * Quantum information science
> * Decoherence, anti-decoherence and topological quantum error
> correction
> * Cosmology and consciousness
> * Protein, cytoskeletal and DNA dynamics
> * Time: physics and perception
> * Nonlocality and entanglement between macro-systems: experimental
> evidence
> * Quantum mind and social science
> * Skeptical criticism
> For further information including abstract submission, registration
> and lodging see http://www.consciousness.arizona.edu/quantum-mind2
> Sponsored by
> Center for Consciousness Studies, The University of Arizona; The
> Fetzer Institute; The YeTaDeL Foundation; The Samueli Institute for
> Information Biology; School of Computational Science, George Mason
> University
> Organizing Committee
> Stuart Hameroff, Fred Thaheld, Harald Walach Paavo Pylkkanen,  Jack
> Tuszynski, Dick Bierman, Nancy Woolf, Scott Hagan, Avner Priel, Adele
> Behar, Pierre St. Hilaire, Paola Zizzi, Alexander Wendt, Andrew
> Duggins, Jeffrey Satinover
> '`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`''`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`
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> here bimonthly or the charter on the Web at http://www.grohol.com/spa/
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