Re. brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

John Knight jwknight at polbox.com
Fri Sep 27 14:47:17 EST 2002

"Relayer" <relayer at dreamtheater.zzn.com> wrote in message
news:qA8k9.578399$UU1.94303 at sccrnsc03...
> John Knight wrote:
> > "Relayer" <relayer at dreamtheater.zzn.com> wrote in message
> > news:2zmj9.550107$UU1.89790 at sccrnsc03...
> >
> >>"Bob LeChevalier" <lojbab at lojban.org> wrote in message
> >>news:v51rougg3ac1qppqf5fc9llgii0hlrtq0s at 4ax.com...
> >>
> >>><raugust at ptd.net> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>>You see, for the "six million Jews" that were "killed" in the
> >>>
> > "holocaust"
> >
> >>>>(read my earlier post regarding the real meaning of that word),
> >>>
> >>>Words mean what we use them to mean.  Just as "gay" no longer refers
> >>>only to how you feel on a bright spring day, holocaust no longer
> >>>refers to the inside of a nuclear explosion.  Live with it: the
> >>>language changes.
> >>
> >>True, Language changes. Holocaust originaly referred to burnt offerings.
> >>http://www.dictionary.com/search?q=holocaust
> >>
> >><snip>
> >>
> >>>The term "Holocaust" is applied not merely to the deaths in WW II, of
> >>>course, but to the entire pattern of abuse, torture, and attempted
> >>>genocide by the Nazis against the Jews (and by some people against
> >>>other non-"Aryan" minorities like the Gypsies, as well).
> >>
> >>The Nazis do not have a monopoly on holocausts. It still happens today.
> >>
> >>R.
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> > Really.
> Really.
> > How come there were half a million MORE jews after WWII than there
> > were before, but 48 million FEWER Christians?
> You, sir, are a moron. I'll repeat what I said. The Nazis do not have a
> monopoly on holocausts. It still happens today. Ever heard of the
> Armenian genocide; Bosnia-Herzegovina; Burma; Cambodia; East Timor;
> Rwanda & Burundi?

The jews claim that, and I quote:  "six million jews died in *the*

Do you believe this?

How could this have happened if there were half a million MORE jews after
WWII than before, according to their OWN statistics?

Do you believe the figure that the jews published in 1940 which showed that
worldwide the population of jews was 15.3 million?

Do you believe their figure in 1946 of 15.8 million is accurate?

If so then how can you believe that there were 15.3 million in 1940, that
six million were killed over the next several years, and that the population
suddenly INCREASED by 6.5 million within a year or two?

> >
> > Do you think that the CHRISTIANS who were killed as the result fo the
> > and Hitler didn't suffer a "holocaust" of their own?
> No. I gave no indication that I did.
> > Why not?
> There you go, speaking for me and making assumptions.Moron.
> > What about Dresden?
> >
> > http://christianparty.net/dresden.htm
> >
> > http://christianparty.net/holocaust.htm
> >
> > The only "evidence" you have that jews were victims of a "holocaust"
> > the LIARS known as jews.
> Do you even know who you are replying to from post to post? Do you
> bother to read what they say. I was only pointing out that word
> holocaust can be used to describe many events, some of which are in only
> recent history, and you go blindly go spewing your rhetoric at me.

But you seem to have missed the point, which is that NOBODY can claim a
"holocaust" occurred to their people if their population INCREASED on a
continent where the rest of the population was decimated by 12.5%.

By NO definition could this be considered a "holocaust".

Yes, Armenians, Rhwandans, Germans in Dresden and Hamburg can all
legitimately claim that their populations were killed in a holocaust--BUT

John Knight

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