NAS Sackler Colloquium on Regenerative Medicine, October 18-20

Miriam Glaser Heston MHeston at nas.edu
Wed Sep 25 15:16:08 EST 2002

Dear Colleague:

I write to invite you to a National Academy of Sciences Sackler colloquium
entitled "Regenerative Medicine," to be held Friday through Sunday, October
18-20, 2002 at the Beckman Center in Irvine, CA.  The Colloquium is being
co-organized by Inder Verma and Fred Gage of The Salk Institute for Biological

The preliminary program is as follows:

Friday, October 18:  Keynote Address
John Gurdon, Wellcome CRC Institute, University of Cambridge, U.K.
Title:  Stem Cells

Saturday, October 19
Stem Cell Biology I: Species
Chair:  Susan Bryant, University of California, Irvine
Jennifer Fletcher, University of California, Berkeley, Maintenance of Stem Cell
Populations in Plants
Elaine Fuchs, University of Chicago, Skin Biogenesis
Austin Smith, University of Edinburgh, Pluripotency and Lineage Specification of
Embryonic Stem Cells
Irving Weissmann, Stanford University School of Medicine, Biology of Murine Stem
and Progenitor Cells
Stem Cell Biology II.  Systems
Chair: Fred Gage, The Salk Institute, La Jolla, CA
Michael German, University of California, San Francisco, TBA
Catherine M. Verfaillie, University of Minnesota Medical School, From Blood to
Phil Newmark, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Muscle Stem Cells
Fred H. Gage, The Salk Institute, From Stem Cells to Synapse
Sunday, October 20
Regeneration I. Organogenesis
Chair:  Ken Chien, University of California, San Diego
Margaret Fuller, Stanford University, Regulation of Stem Cell Turnover in
Fiona M. Watt, ICRF, London, Mammalian Epidermis
Markus Grompe, Oregon Health Sciences University, Liver Biogenesis
Juan Carlos Izpis
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?a Belmonte, The Salk Institute, TBA
Owen Witte, University of California, Los Angeles, Prostate Development

Regeneration II. Tissue Engineering

Chair:  Shu Chien, University of California, San Diego
George Daley, Whitehead Institute, Therapeutic Models of Hematopoietic
Engraftment from ES Cells
Ian Wilmut, Roslin Institute, Edinburgh, Cloning
Jose Cibelli, Advanced Cell Technology, Parthogenesis and Therapeutic Cloning
Darwin J. Prockop, Allegheny University Health Sciences, Bone and Cartilage
Peter Mombaerts, The Rockefeller University, Cloning and Embryonic Stem Cells

Attendance at the colloquium is limited to 250 registered participants.  Please
share this invitation with graduate students, postdocs, and others.

The registration fee of $250 covers the meeting and meals for both Saturday and
Sunday as well as transportation to and from The Sutton Place Hotel.  In
addition, the Colloquium will include poster sessions open to registrants. The
registration fee will be waived for a limited number of graduate students and
post-doctoral fellows who are exhibiting posters.

For additional information (final program, registration form, and poster
information), please visit our colloquium web site:


I hope that you will be able to attend this three-day meeting.


Miriam Glaser Heston
Program Officer
National Academy of Sciences

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