Book announcement -- Weitzenfeld

David Weininger dgw at mit.edu
Tue Sep 24 14:51:53 EST 2002

I thought readers of bionet.neuroscience might be interested in this
book.  For more information, please visit
http://mitpress.mit.edu/0262731495/  Thank you!


The Neural Simulation Language
A System for Brain Modeling
Alfredo Weitzenfeld, Michael A. Arbib, and Amanda Alexander

The Neural Simulation Language (NSL), developed by Alfredo Weitzenfeld,
Michael Arbib, and Amanda Alexander, provides a simulation environment
for modular brain modeling. NSL is an object-oriented language offering
object-oriented protocols applicable to all levels of neural simulation.
One of NSL's main strengths is that it allows for realistic modeling of
the anatomy of macroscopic brain structures.

The book is divided into two parts. The first part presents an overview
of neural network and schema modeling, a brief history of NSL, and a
detailed discussion of the new version, NSL 3.0. It includes tutorials
on several basic schema and neural network models. The second part
presents models built in NSL by researchers from around the world,
including those for conditional learning, face recognition, associative
search networks, and visuomotor coordination. Each chapter provides an
explanation of a model, an overview of the NSL 3.0 code, and a
representative set of simulation results.

Alfredo Weitzenfeld is Professor of Computer Science and Director of the
CANNES Laboratory at the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México.
Michael A. Arbib is Fletcher Jones Professor of Computer Science and
Professor of Neuroscience, Biomedical Engineering, Electrical
Engineering, and Psychology at the University of Southern California.
Amanda Alexander is a Systems Engineer at the University of Southern

"This timely book will benefit researchers and practitioners as well as
educators and students in the community of neural networks (both
biologically realistic and artificial). The Neural Simulation Language
offers great flexibility in building neural network models and strong
object-oriented programming methodology."
--DeLiang Wang, Department of Computer and Information Science and
Center for Cognitive Science, The Ohio State University

8 1/2 x 11, 460 pp., 227 illus., paper, ISBN 0-262-73149-5

A Bradford Book

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