Women are More Civil

Frank loto19 at hotmail.com
Tue Sep 24 04:51:04 EST 2002

Ian Goddard <igoddard at erols.mom> wrote in message news:<oj9pouge66mu64q5rsbsgciq1m0pf63c2j at 4ax.com>...
> http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2002-09/uopm-psm091702.php
> The abstract...
> Cerebral Cortex, Vol. 12, No. 9, 998-1003, September 2002
> Sex Differences in Temporo-limbic and Frontal Brain Volumes of Healthy
> Adults 

Thanks, I just came to this group  and may be this has been discussed
yet, but my question respects to this. In your first post we can read:

"They also bolster previous work by the Gurs demonstrating that
although some gender differences develop as result of adaptive
patterns of socialization,
other distinctions are biologically based and probably innate."

It seems that this study doesn't fit the question I put. I'll search
in previous studies of same authors.

I'm sure that we cannot say men and women are different based only in
studies made in the adult age. It's important to know how we are at
birth to separate  social factors from innate factors.

We know that sex hormones can develop some brain nucleus of neurons in
a dismorphic way. There are sex related differences of some nucleus in
the brain. The question remains (as far as I know): are they related
with the organic sex program or with the social sex program?

May be there are some studies made in children yet and I don't know


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