brain sizes: Einstein's and women's

Cary Kittrell cary at afone.as.arizona.edu
Mon Sep 23 10:15:20 EST 2002

In article <amjk6u$esa$1 at panix1.panix.com> holzman at panix.com (Dan Holzman) writes:
<In article <nI2j9.52083$S32.3322163 at news2.west.cox.net>,
<John Knight <jwknight at polbox.com> wrote:
<>No, you're not a feminist, Holzman.  You're worse than that--you're a jew.
<I hadn't realized the two were mutually exclusive, but I suppose
<"multivariate" is another word John can't figure out.
<I still love the way he thinks calling someone "Jew" is a bad thing.
<>And do you know how we're going to achieve Mr. August's objective?
<>We're going to exile you HATEFUL jews.
<Does anyone else ever wonder if he screams this as he lies in bed
<playing with himself?
<>It cannot happen as long as you have even ONE jewish toe on this continent.
<Sure you are, John.
<Let me propose a little wager.  You give me a dollar every day I'm
<here.  I'll give you $50,000 when you exile the Jews from the United
<States.  Shit or get off the pot.

Get in line, eh?  John already owes me .... lessee here... twenty
bucks (and counting) over a similar proposition.

-- cary

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