patch-clamp recordings

Jan Behrends j.behrends at lrz.uni-muenchen.de
Mon Sep 23 11:12:47 EST 2002

What the article says it that rather than using classical whole cell
recordings, where a glass pipette filled with electrolyte makes direct
contact with the cell's interior (the membrane under the pipette tip is
ruptured which leads to loss of diffusible constituents from the cytoplasm)
they used the perforated patch technique where the membrane stays intact and
electrical contact is made by pore-forming peptides that insert into the

For patch clamping in general see the book: Sakmann & Neher (Eds.) Single
channel recording. 1995


> Von: jh_kix at hotmail.com (Ryan)
> Organisation: http://groups.google.com/
> Newsgroups: bionet.neuroscience
> Datum: 23 Sep 2002 07:11:08 -0700
> Betreff: patch-clamp recordings
> I´m trying to understand an article that involves the use of
> whole-cell slice patch-clamp recordings. Could anyone explain or
> direct me to relevant resources on potential pitfalls that occur with
> prolonged use of this technique. Also, I´m not sure if the following
> makes sense to me (esp the meaning of perforated in this context): we
> measured whole-cell currents elicited in medium spiny neurons after
> 3-7 days in culture in perforated patch mode to prevent intracellular
> perfusion from the recording electrode.
> - Ryan
> P.S. If anyone interested in neuropharmacology is willing to offer
> guidance on other related topics, I would be happy to hear from you
> (cel at hot.ee)

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